McOrigins Relaunch
Hello Internet,
In early September, I decided to bring up the idea of bringing back MCO to a few staff members. We talked about the pros and cons, the state of Minecraft, etc...
Back in 2018 when GameplayerHD, ExplodingTNT, and I were talking about closing the server, we had a few valid points:
The state of Minecraft wasn't that great at the time, all servers were hurting, our dedication to releasing updates declined, our quality of work declined and so on. Then we closed the doors in 2019. I enjoyed the summer at my new job, noticing Minecraft's community declining. It was what it was.
Then, in 2020, when the pandemic started, Minecraft blew up. It was like a scene back in 2014-2015 for me. Ever since then, I thought to myself: "Could I bring the server back?"
Then some months went on and I told myself: Nah, no one would play it." Then some more time went on and now, in the present day, I truly believe I and some of our old core crew can work on this and make "Bring Back MCO" happen.
Like I said, back in September, we talked, worked, and developed some awesome ideas. Things that other servers haven't done before, or tried but failed. I have the passion and drive to make it a reality.
So, as of late September, we have started work on the server! I will not release any details yet. But I will say that 99% of the servers will be custom-coded. We will NOT use 3rd party plugins. (Besides perfectly fine core plugins) This was our biggest weakness back in the day. Waiting for support, waiting for updates, etc...
The purpose of this message is to let you know that it is happening. We want you to talk about it, tell your friends, etc...
When will the forums open?
We are working on the site. What we are going to do is force registrations in-game. This will allow us to leverage many features in-game and on the forums. I'm thinking around the fall we will open up the forums for registrations.
Will I have my donator rank from the old server?
No, here's why. Personally, I did not own the server back then. I loved working on MCO. I did not want the money back then. I was young, and Game let me create plugins and learn administration of the server on MCO. I failed, I succeeded. MCO was my playground. With that said, I don't have ANY of the data related to the old server, even if I did. I wouldn't want to integrate it. The sole purpose of this is the server is that it will be completely developed from the ground up. There will be NOTHING to work off of. So, with that said, it takes time, money, and resources to make this happen. We may reward old donors on release. How? Not sure yet. But it will not be a rank of some sort. No guarantee, however.
Who is the new owner? Where is ExplodingTNT & GameplayerHD?
Me, Joshb_ will be the new owner. I will be running the operations and everything that goes along with it. As for GameplayerHD and ExplodingTNT, they are granting me access to the brand name McOrigins. Nothing will be the same with the old McOrigins and the remake. Just the name will be the same. They were both on board with the idea. That is all I needed to pull the trigger to make this happen. As for TNT and Game, I'm not sure what they will be on the server. They both have things to do IRL and are busy. I'm not speaking for their YouTube channels or anything. I just dont think they will have the time for McOrigins.
When will the server open?
There is no date at the moment, however, I'm planning on mid-2025. We have been picking away at the core idea of the server. I made test plugins, and test servers. January 1st (2024) marks the start of the true workload of bringing MCO back.
How will the server be different?
As I said, I don't want to share any details on this yet. But I will say we will be utilizing the new framework Minecraft has given us. Like resourcepacks. A lot has changed since when we closed to now. We can do so much more!
When will we hear more?
I'm thinking about monthly/bi-monthly updates. However, I'm still not sure yet. The point of this announcement is to get the conversations brewing.
How can I help?
Stay tuned. We frequently talk on our discord about beta tests and other ideas that we want to apply to the server.
Here is a sneak peek of us working on the Parkour game board, where you can join maps right from the board.