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  1. orange

    good vibes. [MEDIA]

    good vibes.
  2. orange

    Announcement McOrigins Staff Team Introduction

    Hi, I'm OrangePeels! I'm not usually one to write lengthy posts about myself, but I was informed that if I didn’t, it would show up on my MCORS report (whatever that means :/ ). I first joined the MCO community in May 2015, initially being introduced to the server through ExplodingTNT's YouTube...
  3. orange

    one spring

    welcome to my domain, noob spring.
  4. orange


  5. orange

    thank you @Reece for sweet new pfp 😺

    thank you @Reece for sweet new pfp 😺
  6. orange


    thank you for the warm welcome pal 😺
  7. orange


    Hello, Cringu. I couldn't help but notice that you neglected to inform everyone of your preferred nickname, Cronk. I recommend that you amend your post to include this tidbit about yourself. Regardless, welcome back to the community! :)
  8. orange


    Great post! :)
  9. orange

    go away man

    go away man
  10. orange

    hey I'm orange peels.

    hey I'm orange peels.
  11. orange


    welcome dawgski! I'm excited to see you around the server 😄
  12. orange


    just read the rules and there's no rules about how I can format my posts! I hope you enjoy reading everything I write in awful green text! 😄
  13. orange

    Petition to make Balls the official currency of MCO

    just reacted to this thread accordingly, please see above..
  14. orange


    Hey, how are you? Edit 1: Grammar 🤦‍♂️