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  1. slashbanme

    Announcement McOrigins Staff Team Introduction

    Hey everyone, my name is slashbanme! I'm a Moderator for McOrigins. I've played on the server since it launched and was previously staff for a number of years. I mostly played SG and PvPKits, but I also played a fair amount of Factions and Skyblock. McO has always felt very special and I'm...
  2. slashbanme

    one spring

    Hello and welcome one spring
  3. slashbanme

    It's drippy

    It's drippy
  4. slashbanme

    Oh, uh, hey there!

    I've also seen many a server, and nothing is quite like MCO. Welcome back!
  5. slashbanme

    /ban me

    Hello gamers of McOrigins, I'm slashbanme (jawn). I've played MCO since its first version and I was previously staff before the server closed. Although I will miss SG dearly, I'm excited to enjoy our new gamemodes with everyone!
  6. slashbanme

    Is MCO back yet?

    Is MCO back yet?
  7. slashbanme

    Welcome to my wall! Some stuff about me: -I am a Forum Mod on McOrigins -I am pretty decent at...

    Welcome to my wall! Some stuff about me: -I am a Forum Mod on McOrigins -I am pretty decent at PvP -I play PvPKits a lot on McOrigins -I like Mario Kart ecksdee Well, that's it. If you have any questions about the McOrigins forums and stuff, then PM me.
  8. slashbanme


    Welcome fam