Hey everyone, my name is slashbanme! I'm a Moderator for McOrigins.
I've played on the server since it launched and was previously staff for a number of years. I mostly played SG and PvPKits, but I also played a fair amount of Factions and Skyblock. McO has always felt very special and I'm...
Hello gamers of McOrigins, I'm slashbanme (jawn).
I've played MCO since its first version and I was previously staff before the server closed.
Although I will miss SG dearly, I'm excited to enjoy our new gamemodes with everyone!
Welcome to my wall!
Some stuff about me:
-I am a Forum Mod on McOrigins
-I am pretty decent at PvP
-I play PvPKits a lot on McOrigins
-I like Mario Kart ecksdee
Well, that's it. If you have any questions about the McOrigins forums and stuff, then PM me.